Sunday 3 October 2021

Down in Flames?

I've had a lukewarm response to the Knights of the Sky game that I wanted to run at the club, so have decided to shelve it for the foreseeable. It's a real shame as its always good fun but I guess that aerial wargaming isn't everyone's cup of tea. The club in general seems to have shifted focus a bit so it's not a big surprise that the game hasn't taken off. C'est la guerre! 


  1. How sad, your models and scenarios always are impressive

  2. That is too bad. But I have similar issues. Although most people are willing to play a air or naval game as long as someone else is running it.

    1. I usually get at least one person signing up but this ws a big multiplayer so not enough

  3. That's a pity, especially when everything gets served. Had I lived in Britain, and around your location - at least you would have had one more enthusiastic player :). As it stands, you have one enthusiastic reader instead...

  4. Big shame. Sadly air warfare is something of a minority interests in gaming or at least it seems that way....


