Saturday 2 October 2021

Wargames Illustrated Naval Rules

It's been a very wet weekend and I've come down with a sore throat, but have cheered myself up by reading the old Wargames Illustrated magazines that I acquired earlier in the week. These are all from 1999-2000, so have lots of nostalgic resonance for me, even including the old adverts for figures and rules. Of greater interest, however, are some of the articles with three really good naval ones standing out. 

The first is a set of linked scenarios by David Manley for the CSS Arkansas, of which I have a scratch built 1/2400th scale model. The second is a set of DBN inspired pre-dreadnought rules by Colin Standish, which look very useable, while the last is a set of fast play rules for the Anglo Dutch Wars, again by the esteemed Mr Manley. It's all really good stuff and hasn't seemed to have aged at all, which is more than I can say for myself over the last twenty two years! 


  1. I know what you mean about great articles (and fascinating adverts). Some of those have been really influential for me, like the short series David Manley did about the naval side of the RJW. And the DBN one by Colin Standish is a timeless and inspiring classic.


  2. I'm so enthused I might even dig out the black cover copies I have in the loft for a nostalgic read through!
