Sunday 26 December 2021

Boxing Day Bargain

It's that time of year again when the sales are in full swing and you end up buying yet more stuff that will probably get no where near a paintbrush or wargaming table. I've resisted any temptation this time round apart from the Wargame Vault sale in which I have bought the Dawn of Iron rules and supplements for ACW naval and riverine games, which have recently been published by Scary Biscuit Studios.

The whole lot cost just under twenty quid, so a bit of a bargain even when you factor in the printing that has to be done, especially as you only need to print out what you need. The rules use data cards for each ship, much like the ones in Flames of War, which is no surprise as the author wrote both systems. I'm now thinking of bumping this onto my naval project for 2022, using card counters to start with then 1/600th scale models once I've learnt the rules.


  1. Ooh...thanks for the heads-up. I'll have to have a look at these

    1. There's a FB group that's worth a look as it has some videos to watch as well as after action reports and the like.

  2. Nice find! How do they compare with Dahlgren and Columbiad, out of interest?

    1. They a lot more 'glossy' but I think they'll give a similar style of game. It'll wipe out a printer cartridge though!
