Saturday 25 December 2021

Joyeux Noel!

In my family we have two Xmas days, the first in France with the relatives and the second, proper one with presents on New Year's Day back home. As a result, we don't get our main presents today, apart from the French ones from that side of the family, which are more like stocking fillers than big gifts. 

I was lucky enough to get this cracking hardback book for my present this year, which includes facsimile pages from  L'Illustration, a contemporary French illustrated journal. It's packed full of photographs, sketches, maps and drawings, covering the entire First World War. The sketches are particularly atmospheric and really capture a lot of detail in uniforms, equipment and battlefield terrain. 



  1. A splendid looking book indeed Jim…
    A Merry Christmas…

    All the best. Aly

  2. Looks like a great book!
    Merry Xmas, Alastair
