Monday 17 January 2022

Finest Hour Freeze Up

It's literally freezing in the garage where my workbench is located, so progress on the Luftwaffe has been a bit slower than I'd like over the weekend. I've magnet based and matt white spray undercoated the four Bf-109e fighters for the stabschwarm, so they are now ready for painting. However, only one rather lonely looking Heinkel 111 has made it to the magnet basing stage, the rest piling up on the cutting mat while I wait for the temperature to get back to something less Arctic and the superglue to behave itself. I suppose I could decamp to the kitchen table but that's not much warmer either, so I'll just have to wrap up warm and crack on regardless. On a positive note, it has got me thinking again about a Russian Front or Winter War variant of the Wings at War rules, using my bases from MiG there's an idea!

Jim's Wargames Workbench: Wings at War Winter War Aircraft Ratings (


  1. A winter war air game would be very interesting- lots of different aircraft to be found thre- even the Brewster Buffalo did well....



  2. Yes, and I have a lot of Russian aircraft already painted, so it would mainly be the Finnish that I'd need to paint up.
