Tuesday 18 January 2022

Target for Tonight 1940-41

I got my order of assorted RAF medium and heavy bombers from Tumbling Dice today for my Target for Tonight solo campaign project later this year. I included some early war aircraft in the mix including some Wellingtons, Hampdens and Whitleys, some of which I already had from my old 1/600th scale coastal warfare project, and I must say they are the best of the bunch compared to the slightly portly Lancaster and Halifax models. In fact, they're so good I'm thinking of setting my games in 1940-41, before the Lancaster was introduced and started to dominate the strategic bombing campaign. I'll have to do some more work to develop the aircraft sheets and the technological framework for the games, but apart from that it should be a fairly straightforward switch. Worth a thought anyway?


  1. Going of the well known track is bound to be interesting. So yes, it will be worth it. At least worth a thought.


    1. I think so, although I will try out the game with a Lancaster first to get my self up to speed.

  2. Hi Jim,

    Popped you an email across but certainly the RAF early war bombing would get my vote!

    All the best,


  3. Hi Jim the early war bombing campaign would definitely be the better option. Following this with interest from the solo angle as well as the subject.
