Saturday 15 January 2022

Strike Wing

I fancied a change of focus for my next book, so decided to read this account of the Banff Strike Wing c1944-45. This would be great for Bag the Hun, for which there's a scenario in one of the specials, but also for Wings at War with some tweaks to incorporate anti-shipping torpedo attacks and ship movement, which might not be too tricky to work out. I've also been thinking about using the Wings at War system as the basis of a 633 Squadron game, which is another one of my old project ideas that originally revolved around Bag the Hun


  1. Hi Jim,

    A Separate Little War is good. You might want to look for a copy of The Strike Wings: Special Anti-Shipping Squadrons 1942-45 by Roy Conyers Nesbit. It is a more board history, but has a lot of good battle reports.

    I reviewed it over on my blog:

    Highly recommended for the type of project you're talking about.
