Saturday 9 July 2022

Target Locked On No Fuel to Duel


In Target Locked On!, which I haven't played for ages but actually really like as a system, I've found that games are often quite short due to fuel running out. When this happens the aircraft affected has to fly off the table, often when things are just getting interesting. To rectify this, I've knocked together a modified aircraft control sheet with a fuel track that extends all the way to forty fuel points. 

The baseline fuel allowance for most aircraft is twenty points but I am going to bump this up to thirty, while larger aircraft with a fuel allowance of thirty points will be bumped up to forty. Of course, an aircraft can also carry extra fuel with drop tanks, so this track also factors that in, with space for an additional ten points of fuel on top of the base load of thirty points. 

I think this will make for slightly longer games and fix the 'no fuel to duel' issue. I'll also have a look at the aircraft data generation rules and tweak those to make it possible to factor in the uprated fuel point allowance when calculating an aircraft's statistics and performance. It's a minor tweak but I'm hoping it will make a difference to game duration and add to the playability of the rules.


  1. Not a set of rules I know anything about. What is it you like about them?

  2. I've had games where almost nothing happened due to the limited fuel. Maybe its a no-no, but now I play the game ignoring the fuel rules.

  3. It has an unusual but realistic fuel management system, simple combat mechanics and missile rules, but does suffer from some quirks and inconsistencies (much like Rory Crabb's naval rules do).

  4. I like the fuel / movement system but it does limit the action too much.
