Thursday 8 February 2024

Battle of the River Plate


This was the play test game for the Battle of the River Plate scenario that I would have been running at the club this week, were it not for being ill. In the playtest the Graf Spee managed to inflict heavy damage in HMS Exeter but was then boxed in by the two light cruisers before she could finish her off. Although the Fairey Seafox spotter aircraft from HMS Ajax was swiftly dispatched, the light cruisers were able to launch their torpedoes at close range, with HMS Achilles scoring a modified total of 13 against the Graf Spee, which rolled a 1 and was then hit twice, with added special damage. The latter caused flooding which, after a fluffed repair roll, became uncontrollable. The Graf Spee went to the bottom  giving the Royal Navy a major victory. A good game but I suspect a bit of a one off, especially as the dice were very much on the side of the Senior Service.


  1. Your action shots look great. Not too far off reality, and IIRC torpedoes are very much an iffy thing in FFS. Deadly if they hit, but hard to get a hit.

  2. Thanks Peter. Torpedoes are very hit and miss but when they do hit it's pretty effective

  3. I do like your painting style. The corticene on the light cruisers provides a nice touch of colour too!
