Saturday 17 February 2024

Wings at War 'How To?' Part Two


I got around to writing up the second part of the Wings at War 'how to?' guidelines to movement this afternoon, which are designed to help players get their heads around Energy and Action Point expenditure, using some more complicated movement actions compared to the previous guide. I think I've explained things as clearly as I can and have also incorporated some of the suggestions from people on the Wings at War Facebook group, most of which were very helpful. I'd be interested to know if this makes sense, especially if you either have played before or have absolutely no experience of the system. The examples use the free-to-download Desert Spitfires rules, so that anyone can try them out:


  1. One nitpick "maximum limit" at top of page 2 (should say Energy).
    I think the 2nd example needs some commentary: it's not obvious why anyone would deliberately push an aircraft into a spin like this. The more common situation is when someone ends a move with a variable AP cost manoeuvre, hoping for a low roll, and is unlucky.

  2. Yep, I spotted the limit but and have already corrected it. I also tried to reorder the actions to make the right turn the last action but it was too difficult to get the numbers to line up. I probably need to go back and rejig the whole thing. I have also worked up a version for MiG Allley which ends in too much energy and a crash, avoiding the too many AP issue.

  3. It's actually quite difficult to work out a sequence of actions that ends in a spin, so I might try to create a turn ending in a stall due to zero energy. Might be a bit less trouble to work out.
