Monday, 30 September 2024

P-39 Airacobra Aces for Arctic Eagles.

An obvious gap in my WW2 Soviet aircraft library has now been filled by a second hand but immaculate copy of this. Although not relevant for my current Bag the Hun scenario project, it's very on target for the Arctic Eagles one, which I'm planning to develop next year., being one of the most common adversaries for JG5 in the far North.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Soviet Reinforcements

A small parcel from Scotia Collectair arrived yesterday with extras to fill some gaps in the Soviet ranks. The three LaGG-3 models are to make up the numbers for the Bag the LaGG scenario, while the IL-4 bombers will replace the DB-3 bombers that I originally prepared for the Bomb Run Bounce scenario. The Ilyushin IL-4's are particularly lovely models and will look great once painted, assuming my brush skills are up to scratch.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Bag the Hun Project Painting Progress

A definite move in the right direction with the painting today. The LaGG-3's are now in the process of having the cockpit glazing painted, as well as the prop boss and exhausts, so I've made a start on base coating the MiG-3 and I-16 models, ready to add the camouflage stripes. I'm out tomorrow, however, so the next bits will have to wait until mid-week, when I have a day off.

Bandits, 12 O'Clock High

I've got one, or at the most two more scenarios to draft before I move on to the accompanying article for the Bag the Hun Lard Mag project, so I need to pick one that will go out with a bang, so to speak. The current front runner is this action, which I've decided to rename as the Bandits 12 O'Clock High, just because it sounds a bit more exciting:

It also means I can deploy the iconic I-16 Ischak for the Soviets, which otherwise wouldn't be making an appearance, something that would be a bit of a missed opportunity. I'll get cracking over the next few days to write it up, once I've worked out how to manage the flak!

Friday, 27 September 2024

Scenario E - Eye in the Sky

I finished the draft of the latest scenario for the Bag the Hun Continuation War project today and it's looking pretty good I think. It also gives me the chance to include one of my favourite Soviet fighters, the Mikoyan MiG-3, so a double plus. It's another one that would work well as a club gane for play testing purposes, so I'll be doing some fishing to see if I can drum up some interest soon.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Fokker C.X for Bag the Hun

The scenario featuring the Fokker C.X has now been drafted but I realised that the numbers for this aircraft aren't included in the Bag the Hun 2 aircraft data tables. Luckily, they are to be found in the Blue Swastika Rampant article from the 2009 Summer Special, so here they are with a slight amendment to the armament ratings to include the rear firing observer's 7.62mm machine gun:

SPD: 4

MAN: 3

ALT: 4

ROC: 1

ROB: 1

SIZ: 2

FF: F 2 / L 0 / R 0 / R 1

Bag the Hun Scenario - Eye in the Sky

I've got a couple more scenarios to write up for the Bag the Hun Continuation War project, so wanted to include an escort mission somewhere. This action on 7th November 1942 looks very promising, if a little one sided, but I can easily balance it out to avoid a walkover for the Finns, which is what actually happened:

"Capt Nurminen’s 3/LeLv 32 escorted a Fokker C.X over the front. A MiG-3 schwarm from 415 IAP tried to down the elderly biplane, but all four Soviet aircraft fell victim to the Fokker’s fighter escort instead. SSgt Aimo Gerdt (in CU-503) became on ace following his successes during this mission"

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

LaGG-3 Ink Wash

The paint test models for the Bag the Hun project have now had the camouflage patterns painted in Vallejo German Grey and the undersides painted in Vallejo Pastel Blue. They've now been given an overall coat in a Future based ink wash, prior to some tidying up, followed by the canopies, prop bosses and exhausts, when I can grab some more time. They don't look like much at the moment but should scrub up quite nicely.

Soviet Insignia Decals

I've been on the hunt for 1/300 - 1/285 scale VVS numbers this week, without much luck. In the past I've used the I-94 tank numbers on my late war Soviet fighters, but what I really want are the numbers in the earlier cursive style font. I put out a query on various FB groups and was surprised to find at least three of four possible sources, but as usual Dan Arute of Flight Deck Decals has come to the rescue. He's now drafting a sheet up for me and it should be available in a couple of days. Excellent!

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Blue Falcon Hobbies Soccer War Decals

I've just discovered these 1/200th scale decals from Blue Falcon Hobbies in the US. Although they are not 1/300th or 1/600th, my usual scales for air wargaming, I'm sorely tempted to order both sets for some Bag the Hun action, using the old Football War article from the Specials to set up some games. Very nifty!

Monday, 23 September 2024

Scenario D - Bag the LaGG

Here's the next scenario for the ongoing Bag the Hun Continuation War project, a simple dogfight set up but with a couple of twists to make it more exciting, I hope. I've given all of the leaders special characteristics to add some variety, with my favourite being 'Brass Monkey", representing a pilot with good firing discipline, keeping ammunition expenditure down to a minimum (one D6 result of 1 when firing can be discarded). This will be a good one to playtest first, as it only needs a few aircraft and will be quick to set up.


I'm excited to have won this lot on eBay for an excellent price yesterday. I've heard very good things about this set of rules and especially the campaign system. I'm hoping it will play well as a solo game but will have to wait and see. I just need to order a convoy pack from the old Davco 1/3000th range and we're ready to go!

Sunday, 22 September 2024

LaGG-3 Camouflage

I'm kicking off with three Lavochkin LaGG-3 fighters as a test bed for painting the rest of the Soviet aircraft. I've given them an undercoat in Halfords Grey Primer and then a couple of brush coats of AK2255 Grass Green as a base coat. I'm now trying to find a good shade for the black / dark green camouflage pattern shade, which wasn't included in the AK Interactive Early War Soviet paint set. 

The front runners are Vallejo German Grey, Flames of War Camo Dark Green and Foundry Phlegm Green Shade, all of which are similar to the different dark camouflage colours used on Soviet aircraft. I may well mix and match these when painting the other fighters but will probably use the German Grey on the LaGG's.

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Middle East WW1 Book - Allenby's War

I popped into town this afternoon and, as usual, stopped off in the Oxfam bookshop, where I found a hardback copy of this book. It's a subject I've considered wargaming in 10mm, using the Pendraken range and If The Lord Spares Us from Toofatlardies, perhaps the least inspiring title for a set of rules I've come across. The rules are, however, pretty good and perfect for the sort of thing I'm after. All good stuff and something to read up on for next year perhaps?

Soviet Aircraft Set Up Sorted

The Soviet aircraft for the Continuation War project have now been prepared, give or take a handful of extra models that are in the post, so they're just waiting to be undercoated before I can start painting them, one type at a time. Today, I added three LaGG-3 fighters, ten I-16's and two La-5's, which is what I need for the scenarios I've been working on. There are two or three more LaGG-3's to add on, as well as the three Il-4 bombers but otherwise we're good to go!

Magnet Basing Bombers

After some rethinking I have bought larger magnets to use on my bombers, replacing the smaller ones that I initially glued to the DB-3's. The new ones are 5mm x 3mm instead of 3mm x 2mm, which doesn't sound like much of a difference but adds a bit more adhesion to prevent the models rotating. I've also ordered three Il-4 bombers from Scotia Collectair to use for the scenario that I've written, as the DB-3 is a lovely model but the earlier variant of the Il-4. 

Friday, 20 September 2024

Lavochkin Fighters

A bit of a **** day at work, so some retail therapy was needed. This should be a good resource and clearly relevant to the ongoing Bag the Hun Continuation War project, not to mention the Eastern Front as a whole and even the early stages of the Korean War.

Bag the Hun Scenario - Bag the LaGG

I've been looking for some more potential scenarios featuring the LaGG-3, and have identified a couple that would work well as simple dogfight games, to be aptly titled as "Bag the LaGG". Both feature a pair of veteran Hawk-75 pilots in a three to one clash against LaGG-3's of 524 IAP.

Here's the first potential scenario:

"On the 21st, WO Viljo Ikonen and his wingman from 1/LeLv 32 intercepted five LaGG-3s over the River Svir, one of which was destroyed and the other damaged. Claiming a share in the destruction of the Soviet fighter, SSgt Niilo Erkinheimo (in CU-558) took his tally in the Hawk 75 to five.'

...and here's the other one:

'The squadron flew 33 sorties on 16 June, and during the course of one of the missions a pair of 2/LeLv 32 aircraft led by 2Lt Kalevi Tervo engaged six LaGG-3s over Mäkräjärvi. One was shot down and the others tried to escape, but a second Soviet fighter was destroyed before the higher speed of the LaGGs saw them flee the pursuing Curtiss pilots.'

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Sussu Swansong Scenario Scrapped

I started drafting another scenario over the last couple of days but I don't think it's going to give a good game, primarily due to too many aircraft involved and the clunkiness of the bombing rules in Bag the Hun. I really wanted to include a bomber escort mission for the Finnish players but it's not really going to work, so I've scrapped this one in favour of a different action involving La-5FN fighters. It's a bit of a shame but better to cut my losses before I purchase, prepare and paint up twenty Lavochkins!

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Bag the Hun Soviet Aircraft Progress

After a very busy few days I've found some time to shift the Soviet aircraft for the Continuation War project further along. The I-153 Chaika squadron is now assembled and magnet based, along with two Pe-2 light bombers for the 'Crazy Ivan' scenario, leaving the I-16, LaGG-3 and La-5 FN fighters to be prepared, the latter probably not in the initial painting plan. I also have three MBR-2 floatplanes to glue together but they aren't the best castings I've come across, so may well be left in their packets. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Heroics and Ros 1:300th scale Fokker CX

A key factor in my decision to go for 1/300th scale for the Continuation War project was the availability of some pretty obscure aircraft, a case in point being the Fokker CX, widely deployed for reconnaissance missions by the Finnish Air Force. This was the radial engine version, which isn't available in 1/600th scale, unless you fancy some chopping about with the online version.

Here's the Heroics and Ros model of the Fokker CX and it's a cracker. I ordered one just to see if it was a decent casting and I'm very pleased I did. I have a couple of potential historical scenarios that could feature one of these, so there's no excuse not to assemble and paint one when I get round to the Finns. At the moment, I'm still plugging away at the Soviets, which will be painted first.

Monday, 16 September 2024

Bag the Hun Finnish Blenheims

This weekend I was away from home, so nothing was shifted on the workbench for the Bag the Hun Continuation War project. This week, I'm going to write up another couple of scenarios to make up for lost time, one of which will be a big multiplayer style game based on this (from Osprey Aircraft of the Aces: P-39 Hawk Aces):

"1Lt Hillo led six Curtiss fighters from 1/HLeLv 32 on a bomber escort mission to Mergino on 28 May 1944. They were attacked over the target by 20 La-5s from 415 IAP, and the Finns, whose ranks included a pair of Bf 109Gs on attachment from 1/HLeLv 24, fought back and claimed six enemy fighters shot down for the loss of CU-555."

This scenario clearly requires some medium bombers, so the obvious and most historical options would be a flight of four Bristol Blenheim Mk I or MkIV bombers of LeLv 42, the only squadron that was equipped with the aircraft at the time. 

Luckily, I have eight Blenheim IV models from the excellent Leading Edge range, formerly sold by Museum Miniatures but now out of production. These are lovely models and I have painted some before in North Africa camouflage for the RAF. I'm really looking forward to painting the four I've put aside in Finnish two tone camouflage instead!

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Collectair La-5 FN

Collectair La-5 FN

Collectair La-5 FN

Raiden Miniatures La-5FN 

couple of potential scenarios for the Continuation War project feature the Lavochkin La-5 as opposition for the Curtiss Hawk-75 fighters of LeLv32. In late 1943 - early 1944 the Soviets introduced the La-5 which then ran rings around the virtually obsolete Hawks, at which point the Bf-109G began to re-equip the Finnish frontline squadrons. 

I already have eight 1/285th scale Raiden Miniatures La-5 FN fighters painted up in the late war grey and blue grey camouflage, so I've acquired some 1/300th La-5 FN's from the Scotia Collectair range to see what they're like. These arrived in very swift order but I was away, so have only just opened the package to check them out.

I'm really quite impressed with the detail and look of the models , although they are less chunky and clearly lighter in comparison to the Raiden version, regardless of the scale difference. I may need about twenty of them, depending on the scenario, so the price tag is also a very significant bonus!

Mount Edgecombe Battery


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