Wednesday 20 May 2020

AK47 Game Photos

That was a cracking game, even if I was thrashed by my son, with lots of action and some spectacular pyrotechnics at the end courtesy of an airstrike and helicopter gunship attack. I was playing the ZAP defenders but failed to get all my units on the table, while the MDF attackers did much better, which helped to swing the battle in the sprog's favour. He played very well and rolled some good dice too, so I'm happy that he won his second game of AK47, having been thrashed last time at the club. 

Anyway, by turn three my downgraded militia infantry had routed, after a last ditch RPG charge on the advancing enemy tanks, followed by the destruction of my armoured car unit apart from one which broke down but refused to be destroyed for the entire game. I did get my militia technical on to an objective in the last couple of turns before they too were forced to run away, while my helicopter gunship only arrived in the penultimate turn, so had a limited impact on the final debacle. 

I did force the MDF tank unit to flee, however, and almost wiped out the enemy professional jeep patrol, but it was all too late. A humiliating 83 to 34 point defeat for the Zubuto Army of the People, if not the ZIP tribal militia which failed even to turn up despite having two shiny new T-55 tanks attached in the political phase. A lot of fun even if I had to scrape the barrel for terrain...I really should get my act together for AK47 scenery!


  1. That is a great looking game, I love AK 47 rules even though I lose almost every game in the political phase!

    1. Me too! The spring actually got all the way to the end of the Dictatorship chart!

  2. Awesome, thanks for posting this, and good on the boy!

    Nothing beats the look of a Hind-D making a rocket run for pure meanness!


    1. I always bring a helo gunship...if only for the theatrical effect!

    2. She is absolutely gorgeous!

      And what's this Sudan stuff I just saw you post!? Focus, Jim, focus! (says a like-minded butterfly) ;)


  3. Great looking game. I've never played AK-47 but it's always been a maybe. Makes me want to re-watch the Wild Geese.

    1. Give it a go. It's loads of fun. If I started again I'd use 10mm figures..cheaper and quicker.
