Wednesday 20 May 2020

NEWSFLASH - Special Forces raid frees captive MDF troops

From our loyal correspondent in Njuba (MBC)

In a daring raid across the Mbote-Zubuto border this afternoon, special forces units of the Mbote Defence Force backed by regular troops and armour, freed a group of soldiers captured by ZAP border security forces earlier this week. The Zubuto Army of the People and supporting militia units were taken completely by surprise and suffered heavy losses, with an entire platoon of militia troops routed by the advancing tanks of the MDF, while a relieving force of mobile ZIP militia technical vehicles was wiped out, along with a patrol of armoured cars from the border security force. Only the late arrival of a helicopter gunship prevented the total destruction of the ZAP forces, with two key objectives seized by the victorious MDF troops. 

Long live Mbote!

(I'll post an AAR later...with lots of photos!)

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