Tuesday 12 May 2020

NEWSFLASH - Bojo Faraj Fires Back (Reuters)

Mr Bojo Faraj

From our diplomatic correspondent in Mpangi

In a packed press conference in Mpangi today, Minister of Propaganda for Zubuto, Mr Bojo Faraj, laughed off recent accusations made by the government of neighbouring Mbote. The Mbote President, General Papi Mpongo, has made claims backed by photographic evidence, that the government of the People's Democratic Republic of Zubuto has been supplying arms and training to rebels in the Njuba highlands.

ZAP troops on the Mbote-Zubuto border in the Njuba Highlands

Mr Faraj refuted all claims made by the government of Mbote and denied any responsibility for clandestine supply flights into the Njuba region or that units of the Zubuto Army of the People were providing support for rebel insurgents.  The recently re-elected President for Life of Zubuto, Dr Depe Dudu, was not present at the press briefing but, in a statement to the press, he dismissed the claims made by President Mpongo and accused him of being a 'Warmonger...Sad'


  1. I wonder what does Trump makes of all this. I'd think he'd be more than interested if it impedes his oil/diamond interests. :-)

  2. It's percolating...


  3. Who can say..I suspect he's on the hotline to Mpongo as we speak?
