Wednesday 13 May 2020


I'm going to be using Broadside and Salvo for my pre-dreadnought wargaming but I'm also going to use Tsushima by A and A Games as well. I played a couple of Sino-Japanese scenarios with these years ago at the club and thought that they were pretty good. They are also designed for fleet sized actions in squadrons but have a more granular level of detail, allowing for small numbers of ships to be deployed for cruiser actions and naval 'skirmish' style scenarios. I have an old edition (1.2) but I'm sure it's more than useable, although I have word processed up a slightly more attractive front cover compared to the rather boring original!


  1. I don't know why I've never considered trying these. It looks like they sit between Fire When Ready and B&S in terms of detail/complexity?

  2. You hit the nail right on the head..sums them up nicely.

  3. Sounds good, I'll have to grab a copy from WV and give them a try next time I get the pre-dreads out

    1. I'd be interested to know what the second edition is like compared to 1.2
