Saturday 6 February 2021

Badgers, Beagles, Fishbeds and Fearless

I've nearly finished the preparation and basing stage for the project now, with just some magnets to attach to the undersides of the Il-28 Beagles and MiG-21 Fishbeds, along with a single PR7 Canberra that I thought I'd add in as a Royal Air Force asset. I decided to cut back on the number of Beagles from nine to six, having located the three Tu-16 Badger bombers that I originally based and started to paint for my PLAAF forces. 

These are permanently attached to a stand, as they're too hefty to be magnet based. They're not the most accurate models, which is unusual for Tumbling Dice, but they will pack a punch as they're are equipped with AS-1 Kennel air to surface cruise missiles and piloted by Soviet crew. As a final extra, I based up HMS Fearless which wasn't involved in the Indonesian Confrontation but is just too cool not to include in my 1960's fleet. 


  1. I like those big bombers- they look close enough for me.



  2. They're not too bad and they are very big!
