Sunday 7 February 2021

Heroes of the Sky

Now that I've developed the Knights of the Sky club rules for the Cold War, I have been thinking about converting them for the Second World War. This isn't a new idea but one I've been kicking about for a few years, with the added bonus that the club will now have a whole load of lightweight flight stands to use. The focus would be on the Russian Front using the inexpensive Zvezda 1/144th scale model kits, along with a few Revell, Eduard and Minicraft kits, some of which I have already collected together. It's only a suggestion at the moment but I've posted a heads up on the club forum to see if there's any traction. Watch this space!


  1. Now this sounds interesting, I have always wanted to do Spanish Civil War for air combat!


  2. Great idea- they are lovely models.



  3. I think it will be a lot easier than converting the rules for jets with missiles. Just need to work out how the different aircraft perform, especially for firing and ground attack.
