Tuesday 9 February 2021

Heroes of the Sky Kits

I was up in the loft at the weekend, rummaging for 1/144th scale model kits to use for my WW2 hexon based air wargame project. So far I've managed to dig out enough Zvezda, Revell and Minicraft kits, together with a Takara pre-painted Storch, to equip both the Soviet and German sides, at least to begin with. The Zvezda kits will be the core of the project, are readily available, relatively cheap and easy to build, being designed for wargaming. 

The kit list looks like this:


3 x Revell Hurricanes.

3 x Revell Airacobras

1 x Revell Warhawk

3 x Zvezda LAGG3

1 x Zvezda Sturmovik


2 x Zvezda Bf 109F

2 x Zvezda Stukas

1 x Zvezda He126

2 x Revell Bf 109E

1 x Minicraft He111

1 x Takara Storch

A bit of a mixed bag accumulated over several years, but I'm sure I've got some more stashed up in the loft somewhere, including an La5, a Fw190 and a PO2, if my memory serves me right. I'll just have to do some more digging and topping up from eBay, so that there's enough to go round.


  1. excellent, a nice collection of aircraft

  2. It will look a lot better when I get round to building them but as most of them have less than six parts, it shouldn't take too long.
