Saturday 11 December 2021

Ancient Naval Additions

I've now decided to expand the historical scope of my ancient naval project, with a focus on the classical Greek period of the Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. This is a side line to my main focus on the Punic Wars but will be a good way to learn the rules and campaign system before setting out to tackle the Carthaginian and Roman fleets, as well as giving me some much needed experimentation in painting 1/2400th scale pentekonters, biremes and triremes. I've ordered a starter pack from Tumbling Dice, which should give me enough models for a small scenario or two, and I also have a few models that Paul sent me as samples. I'm really looking forward to starting on this project early in 2022 but will have to read up to really get to grips with the subject matter...time to dig out that copy of Thucydides!


  1. Richard Nelson's "Warfleets of Antiquity" has been republished as a PoD. Old but useful .....


  2. Ooh..thanks. I'll give that a look for sure.
