Monday 6 December 2021

Mourir Pour L'Indochine


I have joined yet another Facebook group, this one for a soon to be published set of rules for the First Indochina War, which look really interesting. It's actually two sets of rules in one, the first for platoon level skirmish games and the second for company to battalion level games, or skirmish plus as the author, Shawn Taylor aptly puts it. There's no exact date for these to be out yet but it seems as though most of the work has been done and they aren't far off. Who knows, it may even get added to my land projects for next year, with my 10mm Pendraken figures finally getting to see a lick of paint?

Mourir pour l'Indochine! | Facebook


  1. As a non-french speaker, can you translate the title please?

  2. Interesting sounding ruleset.

    Will join the group too I think.



    1. Not sure how it works but the period is really interesting.
