Sunday 5 December 2021

Project Preview 2022

I'm finalising my project plans for 2022 at the moment and, in a change from my usual approach, I've decided to set them out before the end of the year. The thinking behind this is that I'm pretty clear about what I'll be tackling and have even started on a couple of the projects already, the ones for 2021 having wound down over the last month or so due to work commitments. The theme for next year will be to include both naval and air wargaming in roughly equal measure, having failed to stick to just naval projects in 2021 as originally intended, with one or two small land based projects also included for variety. I'll reveal all when I have tied up the last few loose ends!


  1. Plans are good guidebooks if you don't lose the wonder of your playing.

  2. So looking forward to seeing what you have planned - you always come up with suitably esoteric and exotic conflicts that I'd never thought about

  3. You're more organized than me. I'm still working on the end of 2021!

    Good luck with coming up with a list. Recently I've only come up with vague, general guidelines for what I'm doing.

  4. My 2021 projects fizzled out due to lack of time...on to the new ones!
