Wednesday 16 March 2022

Ironclad Ram Action


I found this photograph on a FB page this evening, the French ironclad ram Tigre fitting out in 1872, and it made me realise that I haven't had a game of Broadside and Ram for ages. I have a less busy weekend ahead, so I am planning another 'What If?' scenario for my French and British ironclad fleets, including a few of the French coastal defence rams that have featured in some of my previous games. They are great fun to set off as independent commands and have wreaked havoc with the Royal Navy on more the one occasion, although nearly always being blasted to pieces at close range by a full broadside from their victim. I'm  bit rusty with the rules but they always give a fast and exciting game!


  1. Take plenty of photos please.



  2. Will do..just got to think of a scenario that's a bit different first.
