Tuesday 15 March 2022

MPL'I Starter Skirmish Scenarios

There's an interesting Q&A thread on the Mourir pour l'Indochine FB page all about how to start off with the rules, with the author, Shawn Taylor, suggesting a gradual approach building up the complexity as you go but starting small. His suggestion is to run a simple scenario on a 2' x 2' board, involving a patrol of a single squad of French troops on the hunt for a Vietminh sniper. I thought this sounded very much akin to the ideas I had for a section to platoon level set of games using No End In Sight, which I've had kicking about for several years. 

Jim's Wargames Workbench: French Indochina War Skirmish Starters (jimswargamesworkbench.blogspot.com)

I really like the concept of making some bespoke terrain, which I actually had a go at before, and using the 15mm Eureka figures that I have, although possibly also cutting some corners by using my hexon tiles as a quick fix. As it's such a small scale and scope, I don't think it would be a massive effort to do either, with the bonus of being able to scale up to larger engagements over time. This is all very much my cup of tea and may well be a project for a holiday at some point this year, now that there is a dedicated set of rules to use alongside No End in Sight.


  1. Hunt the sniper games are always fun in my experience... and reminiscent of Full Metal Jacket (even if that is a later part of Viertnam's history.



  2. That's a good point.. I hadn't thought of that link
