Friday 21 July 2023

Badger 3D Creations Desert War Tanks

I've taken a dip into 3D printed 1/56th scale armour for my Chain of Command early Western Desert project, now scheduled for next year, with a couple of off the shelf models from Badger 3D Creations. I'm not sure what they'll be like but they are significantly cheaper than the plastic or metal / resin alternatives. As you only need one or two of these for Chain of Command purposes, it makes sense to spread the cost, although ideally I'd print my own. In fact, I'm thinking of splitting the cost of a 3D resin printer with my son, who collects a lot of 40K stuff and is a big fan of 3D printed bits for his space marines. 


  1. They look nice. 3D printing has come a long way.

  2. Resin is best. My mate printed 400 Napoleon Wurttemberg figs for me- cost me 50 quid!!! They are stunning.
