Saturday 18 May 2024

Corsairs and Cavaliers Print Run

Paul and the ever patient Glenys of Tumbling Dice are in the process of getting the Wings at War booklets printed, including the finalised version of Corsairs and Cavaliers. It's been a while since I started working on the rules adaptation and development but it's now off to the printers and should be available soon from the Tumbling Dice webshop thingy. I just hope it plays well, gives an enjoyable game and the that I don't get any of those 'rules lawyer' type niggles to sort out!


  1. Congratulations Jim. Well done. Have you decided on the next project yet? I see Alto-Cenepa now features as your header!

  2. Thanks. I'm not sure if or when the next WaW project will be developed but Alto Cenepa is definitely one of the options.

  3. fantastic news! With my greatly reduced wargaming space I'll have to wait on this one (I'm limited to a 2x2 board nowadays) but I hope this sells well and I'll be plunging in as soon as I have the space
