Friday 17 May 2024

Friday Far Eastern Excuursion

I have had a very long week at work but the good news is I've been re-employed for next term and I'm going back to part time as well, not to mention being allowed to finish a week early in July, so all good stuff!I  have celebrated by splashing out on the new CoC supplement for the Far East, which seems to have been very well received by the CoC community. 

I have to admit to never having played a game, despite my long winded efforts to get a platoon or two organised, so this is a bit of a stab in the dark. I've got a Japanese platoon assembled, based and part painted in 28mm, but that project ran out of oomph a few years ago. I may revive it or perhaps flog it on eBay while the Far East feeding frenzy is in full swing, switching instead to 15mm, for which I have a box full of Peter Pig and QRF models. 

I've been enjoying Alex and Dex's game reports over on the Storm of Steel Facebook page, which feature lots of 15mm figures, vehicles and terrain, so it might be an alternative to 28mm which takes me ages to paint. I'd can also use my Hexon terrain bits for 15mm games, so another bonus. Anyway, this will have to be a project for next year, when I'm hoping to have more time and energy for wargaming.


  1. Kinda makes me wish I hadn't sold my 20mm Japanese before emigrating. I still have the 14th Army chaps though.

  2. That's a bit of a bugger...but there's a silver lining 😁
