Wednesday 15 May 2024

USS Constellation

I've been reading up on the obscure but fascinating Quasi War of 1798 - 1801 and, in particular, the action fought between the heavy  frigate USS Constellation and the French 38 gun frigate L'Insurgente. This led me to dive in and assemble one of the Tumbling Dice ASN23 American heavy frigate models this afternoon after work. It's a lovely model but really enormous compared to the ASN10 38/40 gun frigate model that I'll use for the French Sémillante class frigate. Nonetheless, it'll look great painted up and will no doubt be a formidable opponent.


  1. I love the USN during the age of sail - have you considered adding a handful of xebecs and polacres for the Barbary States to give another opponent? (and apologies - I know how easily you're side-tracked Jim!)

  2. That's another thing on the radar...there are some great scenarios that can be played out and I can use my coastal terrain from the War of the Pacific too.😁
