Sunday 8 September 2024

Bag the Hun 1/300th Revival

As my pre-dreadnought painting was going nowhere, I've decided to shelve it for now and concentrate on the Bag the Hun Continuation War project instead (I really need to come up with a better title for it!) It's my other big project for this year, after the Napoleonic naval fleets, and is aimed at an article for the Lard Mag, so I need to get cracking.

In another switch, I've also decided to go back to my roots and use 1/300th scale models instead of 1/600th scale, mainly as I already have most of what I need, but also due to my declining eyesight, which makes painting very small things harder even with a magnifier. I started Bag the Hun gaming way back in 2004 (!) with the first edition, using Raiden Miniatures in the slightly larger 1/285th scale.

This time, however, I'm using Scotia Collectair models in the main, as they are inexpensive and reasonably detailed, although less chunky than Raiden Miniatures and not as nice as the now defunct Museum Miniatures range. The Soviets will be assembled and painted first including I-153, I-16 and MiG-3 fighters for starters. After that I'll tackle the Finnish Hawk 75, Brewster Buffaloes and a handful of Hurricanes.

Tally Ho!

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