Sunday 8 September 2024

Bag the Hun Scenario - Bomber Bounce

I've been looking for a decent bomber interception scenario to include in the Lard Mag selection but without much luck, as LLv 32 was not often involved in this sort of thing. However, I have found one potential scenario in which a schwarm of Hawk 75 fighters 'bounced' a flight of three DB-3F medium bombers of 1AP and shot them all down. The DB-3's were the later model, subsequently retitled as the Il-4, but I have a soft spot for the earlier version, so I'll be using those in the scenario set up. I also already have three of them in the leadpile, so why not kill two birds with one stone? 

Here's an after action report by 2nd Lt Alapuro of 2/LLv 32:

Whilst patrolling in the Petäjän-mäki area, I spotted three DBs heading north. I attacked one from above and behind in a shallow bank. I quickly silenced the gunner, and the bomber’s port engine began to trail black smoke. Due to my higher speed, I had to pull up and pass it. I curved back around again and fired continuously at the starboard engine until it caught fire. The DB then slipped into a cloud. I banked away to the south, waiting for the aircraft to pass through it, but when the DB did not reappear I flew towards Lem-paala, where I saw a burning aircraft in a swamp southwest of Rahonjärvi.’

A very straightforward set up but, with the addition of some clouds and a few special tweaks to make it more interesting, I think it could be worth a write up?

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