Monday 3 February 2020

NEWSFLASH - Dudu talks tough on election trail (ZBC)

From our correspondent in Mpangi

In a rally of the Dudu United Front for Freedom party at the national football stadium in Mpangi, President for Life of Zubuto, Dr Depe Dudu, pledged to uphold his four election manifesto promises - Drain the Swamp, Build the Wall, Take Back Control and Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner. These popular policies were announced earlier this week at the start of the re-election campaign for role of President for Life.

In an address to the wildly enthusiastic crowd of at least a million DUFF supporters, President Dudu announced that he had sanctioned the immediate mobilisation of Zubuto Army of the People (ZAP) and Zubuto Internal Police (ZIP) units, with orders to reinforce and defend the disputed border zone with Mbote in the Ntumbe bridgehead. This decisive action is sure to send a clear message to the Mbote Defence Force - get out of the border zone or there will be big trouble!


  1. DUFF supporters hopefully are having "chicken tonight" !

    Waiting for news on the border!


  2. I think chicken may well be off the menu?

  3. And yet the Mbote government is conspicuously quiet...

  4. Could be an imminent preemptive strike...just saying?
