Wednesday 4 March 2020

Ironclad Upscaling

I have a big box of 1/600th scale Peter Pig and Thoroughbred Miniatures ACW naval models that I've been collecting over the last decade or so, that I have decided will be shifted onto the workbench this year, albeit one or two at a time. I'll be starting off with the USS Monitor, which seems an appropriate choice, assembling and painting the Thoroughbred kit in a post Hampton Roads configuration. I actually have two of these, the other one in a double set alongside the CSS Virginia, so this one will be built in the modified later design. The plan is to assemble, base and paint sufficient models for some coastal rather than riverine actions, using Dahlgren and Columbiad for a bit more granularity but retaining the emphasis on fast play. I'm really looking forward to this project!


  1. Excellent for a second I thought you may be doing 28mm!


  2. I'll be watching with interest. I've been planning get started on my PP Ironclads...mind you I've been saying that for the last couple of years!
