Tuesday 3 May 2022

AK47 Republic Reloaded Revisited?


The AK47 Facebook group seems to have gone down well, with over forty members signing up in the space of a couple of days, which is very encouraging for a not trendy set of wargame rules. One thing that has been interesting is the number of wargamers who have never played the original 'classic' rules but have only used the, slightly less popular (!) 2009 AK47:Reloaded edition, which are fundamentally different from the much loved first edition. This really kicked up a **** storm when it was first released, with a lot of existing AK47 players being a bit disappointed to put it mildly.

I have both rules but, in contrast, have never played the newer version as it just didn't appeal, having lost a lot of the charm and tongue in cheek sensibilities of the first edition, at least from my skim through of the glossy rulebook. I know I'm not alone in this, which explain why the 'classic' rules have been re-issued as a pdf by Peter Pig after much pestering from the truculent AK47 veterans. However, I may well have another look at the reloaded version, if only to find out what makes the whipper snappers think it's such a good game system? 


  1. Whippersnappers. God, I am not the only one who still says that?!

  2. Are you even allowed to say it these days?

  3. This post made me aware of the new Facebook group but has also prompted me to take another look at the new rules again.

  4. There's nothing wrong with the new rules, it just isn't a game I want to play. It is very different to the original, and should probably have a completely different name as it is a completely different game.

    1. I agree. Much prefer the old rules to the new.
