Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Workbench Upholstery Upgrade

My daughter didn't want her office chair any more, so I now have a swanky, evil genius style swivel chair in the garage to replace the knackered old one that I was donated by the middle sprog. That's a nice way to end the year and, hopefully, I'll be more enthused to sit in a freezing garage in the depths of January, now that my backside will be luxuriating in padded fake leatherette PVC comfort. 

2mm Parliamentarian Army Assembled

I spent the morning basing up the last units for my 2mm English Civil War Parliamentarian army. I've added a couple more bases of artillery, three more pike and shot regiments, a unit of dragoons and a regiment of curassiers, representing Sir Arthur Heselrig's infamous 'Lobsters'. I've also based up a commander and his officers. This lot will now go back into storage while I focus on the Cornish Royalist army, for which I need to texture the bases then start painting. 

Winter Hammer 6mm Solo Winter War Project

I pushed the button on the 6mm Winter War project this morning, ordering two opposing armies from Heroics and Ros, one Soviet and the other Finnish. This will be my land project for the start of 2025, once the figures arrive in a week or two, so the 2mm English Civil War project is going to be postponed until later in the year, although I will crack on with it in the meantime. 

In Winter Hammer each stand represents a platoon, with heavy weapons and tanks based individually representing two or three actual guns or vehicles. In most scenarios there are no more than half a dozen units per side, although you can scale up for larger battles. 

I have ordered a variety of infantry, heavy weapons, guns, vehicles and tanks, including ski troops for the Finns. I now need to think about terrain, especially fir trees to build some forest templates, but also a few rural buildings, bunkers and trenches, not to mention wire entanglements and minefields. 

Monday, 30 December 2024

What's on the Workbench ? - A Cunning Plan, No Less!

I have a new project plan for 2025, going back to an approach I used to take before I decided to make a 'list of things to do' each year in advance. This worked at first, but in recent years I've found myself editing the 'to list' as I went along and as new 'ooh, shiny!' things popped up to grab my attention. Instead, I'm now going to have a 'What's on the Workbench? tab on the home page of the blog, from which anyone desperate enough to want to find out what I'm up to can punch through to a list of my current projects. 

I am going to limit myself to a maximum of one air, one naval and one land themed project at a time, the idea being to switch from one to another as I go along. It may well be that only one of these will be running at any time and I'm deliberately going to prioritse land based projects for a change this year, rather than air or naval things. 

Each of these projects will be small enough to be completed in a few weeks, rather than months (or even years!), and will be self-contained but part of a larger, on-going effort. The aim will be to knock off parts of a project as I go blundering along, rather than attempting to complete the whole damn thing in a drawn out slog. 

It may not result in many games being played but at least I will be able to get some stuff shifted in the right direction, while hopefully keeping my hand in rather than throwing in the towel half way through. As always, the emphasis will be on stuff I can play solo rather than club gaming, so it's very much up to me whether or not I get some games on the table. 

Brigade Models Medieval Town Walls

I ordered some more of the excellent Brigade Models Small Scale Scenery fortifications before the holidays, this time focusing on medieval town defences for potential siege assaults, or just as scenery in the background of set piece battles. The idea is to use the various components to construct lengths of curtain walls including both square and round towers, gatehouse and destroyed sections, alongside siege works and other defensive features, inspired by the siege of Plymouth. 

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Winter Hammer

I have been looking for a set of simple rules for land based wargaming focussed on the Winter War, to complement my recent air wargaming projects. I was thinking of Five Core Company Command for this but while browsing Nordic Weasel's rules in the Wargame Vault Winter Sale, I bumped into Winter Hammer. I assumed this was a 'skirmish' style set of rules for 20-28mm figures but I was very interested to discover that it works with 6mm figures on multiple bases. 

H&R Finnish Reindeer Teams!

This is great as I have also been looking at the excellent Heroics and Ros Finnish and Soviet 1/300th scale ranges which feature lots of options including ski troops, reindeer teams and very funky early war Soviet multi-turret tanks like the T-28. I have given the rules a quick read through and I'm enthused by the scope and content of the system, which in usual Nordic Weasel style, seems to cover just about everything you could possibly want. It's looking like a very strong prospect for 2025 at some point!

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Pendraken Price Hike

Pendraken Miniatures are putting up their prices on the 1st January by quite a bit, so it was time to make some pre-emptive purchases from the French Indochina range. A while back some new figures were added to both the French and Vietminh packs, which makes it much easier to build some varied and interesting bases. I'd put off buying the relevant packs but, with the price tag going up very soon, it was a good opportunity to get in there before the deadline. I really should revive this project for my 2025 hit list now that I have the figures I need for some good looking units. 

2024 Review - Missing in Action

As always, I started a few things this year that ended up being shelved or shoved aside by other projects, although quite a few of these are definitely not dead in the water. The shelf of shame includes a 28mm Nyamwezi / Tuta army for DITDC, a load of 1/300th Soviet aircraft for Bag the Hun, some 1/2400th Argentinian pre-dreadnoughts extras, a 1/2400th Turkish WW1 fleet and the remaining 1/3000th battleships, cruisers and destroyers for the Norwegian Campaign. Some of these are now slated for 2025, so all is not lost and I just need to get them finished at some point next year, having made a good start on most of them. 

Friday, 27 December 2024

2024 Review - Scribbling Stuff

I had a couple of things published this year, which is a bonus given my lacklustre output at the workbench. After several years the Wings at War Corsairs and Cavaliers rules were published by Paul at Tumbling Dice, which is pretty cool. I wrote these as a lock down project and then offered them for free to Tumbling Dice, as I just did it for kicks and its not my system anyway. They were given a thorough check by the original rules author, Chris Russell, and have his stamp of approval, so I'm just happy to have a credit. I also had my Bag the Hun article published in this year's Lard Mag, which apparently makes me a Top Ace contributer, at least according to Richard and Nick, which is a nice way to wrap up the year. I don't really have any firm plans for rules writing in 2025 but you never know? 

Thursday, 26 December 2024

2024 Review - Painting Things

This year has been even more of a washout when it comes to painting stuff, once again due to work and illness sapping my time and energy. I did complete the 1/3000th scale heavy units for the Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy early war fleets but not the rest of the British forces which are still waiting to be tackled. I also completed the 1/2400th scale Royal Navy Napoleonic fleet, which I really enjoyed painting albeit stretched out over several months, although I still haven't played any games with them yet.

The Soviet half of the 1/600th scale aircraft for the Continuation War project were finished but not the Finnish contingent, or the 1/300th scale Soviet aircraft either, despite making a good start on the latter. I also built a 1/72nd scale Bristol Scout for Knights of the Sky but had to drop out of the actual game due to illness. A handful of 1/600th USAF aircraft were also finished for MiG Alley. To wrap up an unspectacular year, I painted three test bases of 2mm English Civil War infantry, cavalry and artillery, then ran out of time to do any more before the holidays. I think my report card for 2024 will read 'must do better!' 

Stocking Filler Ship Killers

HMS Hotspur


I bumped into an excellent online article about the French coastal defence rams of the 1860's and early 1870's the other day, which led to the inevitable Xmas bonus buy from Big Jim Prints. These are two Cerberus class coastal rams and HMS Hotspur, from the Long Face Games range of 3D models, designed by David Manley. I ordered these, as well as a Royal Navy gunboat model, in 1/1200th scale to complement the mid-Victorian ironclads I was gifted this year. The plan is to refurbish and rebase the models, which need a bit of tidying up and repainting, then add some of the Red Eagle ex-Skytrex ships and a few of the Long Face Games models to fill out the collection. It would be a shame just to leave them in a box after all.


2024 Review - Rolling Dice

It's been a very patchy year in terms of playing games, mainly due to six months working full time and a lack of spare time to spend on actual wargaming. Nonetheless, I've had a couple of excellent games of Strength and Honour, despite still not having a proper grasp of the rules, several very enjoyable pre-dreadnought and WW2 naval games, some one off games of old favourites including Saurian Safari, Bag The Hun, Knights of the Sky and Back of Beyond, together with some new things like Blood Red Skies (of which I am not a fan). Not everything has been a success, the MiG Alley introductory game being a good example, but on the whole it's been a rewarding, if less than extensive spread of wargaming over the course of the year. Unfortunately, its also been very inconsistent, with a strong start fizzling out after three or four months, only picking up right at the end. I really need to make more of an effort to get to the club and to pick up my solo efforts at home, when I have time to set up a game, especially to try out new rules and get stuff on the table after I've spent so much time painting it. I have some ideas for 2025 that might help this along in the right direction. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Atlantic Wall Guidel


A post Xmas lunch walk on the beach this afternoon, so I took the opportunity to check out a crew bunker that I hadn't looked over before, as well as a machine gun bunker close by covering the coast road. Both have been sealed up and fenced off so there was no way of looking inside, which is a pity but just as well. 


Bag The Hun (869) Books (512) AK47 (500) Ironclads (493) Wings at War (419) Pre-Dreadnoughts (248) Back of Beyond (243) Coastal Warfare (225) Napoleonic Naval (202) Britain's Small Wars (199) Bolt Action (175) Victory at Sea (174) Knights of the Sky (172) What a Tanker (172) Target Locked On (163) MiG Alley (162) Chain of Command (149) Old West (147) Find Fix and Strike (141) Bag The MiG (128) Naval Thunder (120) Sandbox Skirmish (119) Naval Command (118) Air War Over Khalkhin Gol (117) Pirates (117) Indo China / Vietnam (116) Fistful of Lead (109) Algernon Pulls It Off (108) 15mm Sci-Fi / Near Future (95) Darkest Africa (95) Strength and Honour (89) VBCW (89) Continuation War (85) Ancients (82) Shows (79) ACW (77) The Football War (76) Duel of Aces (75) Corsairs and Cavaliers (72) Boardgames (67) France's Small Wars (67) Shipwreck! (66) BKC (65) Rapid Fire (63) Saga (63) Saurian Safari (63) Air War C21 (60) Cruel Seas (60) Journals (60) The Men Who Would Be Kings (58) Nimitz (57) One Hour Wargames (55) Flashpoint Alto Cenepa (53) IABSM (53) International Naval Wargaming Day (53) Gladiators (51) Flashpoint Taiwan (50) Finest Hour (49) Fortifications (49) 2mm English Civil War (48) Red Actions! (47) Scramble for Britain (45) Flashpoint Baltic (42) Flames above the Falklands (40) War of the Pacific (40) Cold War (39) Death in the Dark Continent (38) Spandau and Lewis (38) Thud Ridge (37) SCW (36) Desert Spitfires (35) RCW (34) Atlantic Wall (32) English Civil War / Anglo Dutch War Naval (31) Lion Rampant (31) Post Apocalypse (31) Iron Cow (30) Bag the Springbok (29) Dreadnoughts (29) Mexican Revolution (28) Normandy Firefight (28) Full Thrust (27) It Rolls For Ivan (26) Bulldogs Away! (24) Samurai (24) Winter War (24) Jet Knights of the Sky (23) 28mm English Civil War (22) Arctic Eagles (22) Imaginations (22) Achtung Kommando! (21) AirWar:1918 (21) Flashpoint PVO (21) Ancient Naval (20) PITS (20) Steamer Wars (20) Galactic Heroes (19) Strontium Dog (19) Iron Cross (18) Portable Pike and Shot (18) Aeronef (15) Aircraft (15) Imperial Commander (15) Rate of Fire (15) Zulus! (15) Aliens (14) Dragon Rampant (14) Black Ops (13) CY6 Jet Age (13) Congo (13) Mad for War (13) Impetus (12) Wars of Insurgency (12) What's on the Workbench? (12) Flashpoint Fleet Air Arm (11) Gaslands (11) Get the Goeben! (11) Sharp Practice (11) 633 Squadron (10) Bohica (10) Franco Thai Air War (10) HYW (10) Jungle Green (10) 28mm Future Wars (9) Dux Britanniarum (9) Fire in the Sky (9) Merry Xmas Mr Sankara (9) Adventures in Jimland (8) Bombers over Germany (8) Cry Havoc (8) French Indian Wars (8) Lacquered Coffins (8) Ravenfeast (8) Renaissance Naval (8) Star Wars Legion (8) Sword and Spear (8) Through The Mud and Blood (8) Air War Angola (7) Frostgrave (7) Target for Tonight (7) A Mighty Fortress (6) Five Parsecs From Home (6) French Resistance (6) Check Your Six! (5) Five Men at Kursk (5) Fivecore Skirmish (5) Maurice (5) Seven Days to the River Rhine (5) Three Musketeers (5) What a Cowboy (5) Wings Over Suez (5) Arab Revolt (4) Blood Red Skies (4) Corvette Command (4) In Her Majesty's Name (4) Infamy Infamy (4) Medieval Naval (4) Never Mind The Billhooks (4) Battletech (3) Fivecore Company Command (3) Gangsters (3) HOTT (3) Hind Commander (3) Lord of the Sea (3) Luft 46 (3) Mourir Pour l'Indochine (3) Sturmovik Commander (3) Whispering Death (3) Black Powder (2) Chincha Islands War (2) Crom (2) Disposable Heroes (2) Fire and Steel (2) Iron Stars (2) Judge Dredd (2) Lethal Skies (2) NUTS! (2) No Go Zone (2) Pulp! (2) Starfighters! (2) War in El Dorado (2) 2mm Portable Ancient Wargames (1) A Billion Suns (1) Air War 1940 (1) Archibald (1) Battlegroup (1) Certainly Not! (1) Convoy (1) Dropzone Commander (1) Falklands War (1) Harpoon (1) If The Lord Spares Us (1) Indo-Pakistan War (1) Load and Return (1) MiG Hunters (1) Missile Threat (1) Missiles at Sea (1) Nam '68 (1) Naval Wargames Society (1) Norway 1940 (1) Oi Navarcoi! (1) Sea Wars Fleet Actions (1) Si Vis Pacem (1) Spanish American War (1) Sunray is Down (1) Thumbs Up! (1) Ultracombat Normandy (1) Wars of the Roses (1) Xenos Rampant (1)