I've played a game using them before at the club, in fact a replay of Tsushima in 1/3000th scale, so I know they're a good set of fast play rules for the pre-dreadnought period. Anyway, they've been added to the collection and may yet be used as the basis of a small project at some point in the future.
In the meantime, I have several existing naval gaming projects in the leadpile, with the 1/2400th scale Tumbling Dice ironclads being top of the list, followed closely by the 1/600th scale coastal warfare collection and the ACW ironclads in the same scale. I could tackle one of them once the VBCW Reds are finished in a couple of weeks.
It would be nice to do something other than 28mm figures for a change too, especially if it was relatively simple to do, which is the big advantage of painting naval miniatures.
Hey Jim, how about trying the Battle of the Yellow Sea? I have the ships, you now have a chance to study the rules......
That would be excellent.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dave