Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Ravenfeast Redux

Although the whole idea of the Ravenfeast project is to make use of my existing, pre-based and base coated 28mm Foundry Vikings, my gaze has been inevitably drawn towards the fantastic 18mm Age of Penda range from Wiglaf Miniatures, sculpted by my favourite artist Mark Copplestone. Although from the period prior to the Viking age, these figures would be perfect for skirmish wargaming between the West Saxons, Mercians and West Welsh in the early eighth century, which is an area of particular interest for me based on my academic studies. Not only that but they are relatively inexpensive, so that I could assemble two or three warbands for minimal cost. Dan Mersey, who commissioned the range and who runs Wiglaf, calls them 'travel sized 28"s' for obvious reasons, which also resonates with my limited space and storage situation. It's definitely something to think about....?

Tiddly Teutonic Transfers

I have some late war German decals in 1/600th scale from both I-94 and Flight Deck but spotted this sheet on eBay, so decided to see what they are like. I'm particularly interested to find out if the fuselage and tail decals are useable with Tumbling Dice models but I suspect they might be more trouble than they're worth?

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Fighting Falcon, Restless Raptor


One of the potential scenarios featuring Jasta 18 involves a flight of the 103rd Aero Squadron USAS in May 1918, in which the leading American ace, Lt Paul Baer, was shot down and captured. There's an excellent article on the dogfight here, in which the action is described in some detail, albeit with some differing accounts:

I think this would be a very good basis for a Algernon Pulls It Off scenario, although the numbers might have to be tweaked a bit to avoid a hefty card deck. 

1918 Royal Air Force Reinforcements

I was hoping to get away with using the SE5a, RE8 and Brisfit models I've already painted for the 1918 scenario project but, after some further reading, it looks like I'll need some Sopwith Camels and Airco DH4 light bombers as well. I was thinking of painting some anyway but I'll need some for play testing now, so I'll assemble and paint half a dozen of each. I also need some SPAD XIII scouts for the Americans but, unfortunately, there are none in the current Tumbling Dice WWI range, which is a bit of a bugger.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Jasta 18 Scenario Research

One of the good things about having kids old enough to go off to university, two and counting at the moment, is that I have a nice warm upstairs room to work in of an evening, instead of a freezing cold garage. Although the painting and modelling is still sub-arctic, I can now do my scenario research in more salubrious and less uncomfortable surroundings, in this case sprog number two's room with it's commodious desk and very comfy swivelly chair (despite being in competition with my daughter and her make up collection).

I've thus been able to make a good start on the notes for some Algy scenarios and have at least two that look very promising, both from a couple of weeks in May 1918. After a very useful chat with Alex Southeran of the Storm of Steel blog, I've also got some good ideas about the parameters for Algy, compared to first edition Bag the Hun which I am far more familiar with but which shares the same basic mechanisms. I'll crack on with my scribbling this month and firm up a good cross section of draft scenarios.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Jasta 18 Painting Completed

I completed painting the 1/600th scale Tumbling Dice scouts for Jasta 18 today, so now just need to add the decals and a few markings to have them ready for a game. I've drawn a line at adding the black raven insignia and pilot identification symbols, however, as they would just look like squiggles or blobs in this scale. The photos make the red shade look a little more garish and pink than it actually appears in reality, so I'll take some photos in better light when the decals have been applied. I've also added the radiators to the front of the Fokker DVII's since taking the photos, which makes a difference to the overall look. 

Ravenfeast Stragglers

I have more than enough of the Foundry figures I need for at least one Ravenfeast Viking warband already prepared, except for a handful of archers and hirdmen These are the figures I'm going to have to clean up and base to complete the twenty or so strong raiding party and to potentially fill out the ranks of a second warband. I'll get these sorted over the next few days, ready to start painting the whole shebang next weekend.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Arty Farty Crafty Scratchbuilding Stuff

One of things I'm looking forward to in the Ravenfeast project is a spot of scenery scratch building, something I really enjoy but haven't done for ages. Today I popped in to town and stocked up on some craft materials for constructing Anglo Saxon  buildings, including some foam core, wooden dowels, Hessian strip and natural cord, all of which will be very useful. I've got a stash of coffee stirrers somewhere and some teddy bear fur, so I'm well placed to get started on some Viking era village buildings, wattle fencing and palisades.

Friday, 31 January 2025

Jasta 18 - The Red Noses

It's been a really long week at work and today was particuarly uphill, so I was chuffed to find that the postie had delivered a trio of second hand Osprey Publishing books when I got home including this one, the definitive work on Jasta 18 by an acknowledged expert in the subject. I've had a quick flick through and have already identified at least two potential scenarios for Algernon Pulls It Off! one of which features multiple flights of American Spad XIII's against a single kette of four Fokker DVII's. All very stirring stuff and I'm hoping to dig out even more material when I get the time to sit down and do some more reading. Tally Ho!

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Ravenfeast Viking Raiding Party

As it's almost the end of the month, it's time to plan ahead for the next few weeks. I've decided that I'm going to finish the Jasta 18 aircraft over the weekend, then clear the workbench for a new project (I'll come back to the WWI project later in the year and will still be continuing my scenario research in the meantime). After some considerable thought, I've opted for a Viking warband for Ravenfeast, using the excellent Foundry figures that I already have assembled, based and undercoated. I'll paint up one raiding party of around twenty figures in total, which will be fun as I haven't painted anything in 28mm for years! The figures already look absolutely huge compared to my usual tiddly things but I'm looking forward to not having to squint through a magnifier for a change!


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