They'll do very nicely as extra reinforcements so I'll see if I can track down a few more.
Welcome to my blog. I have upwards of 100 projects in various stages of incompletion or total abandonment, so you may well find something of interest if you rummage about a bit. I concentrate on solo air and naval wargaming but other 'skirmishy' things quite often pop up out of nowhere, only to disappear again after something else grabs my attention. I even finish the occasional project now and again!
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Cheap AK47 Toy Trucks
They'll do very nicely as extra reinforcements so I'll see if I can track down a few more.
I'll see if I can find out more about it tomorrow.
Go Strong Into The Desert
It looks like a fantastic resource, not only for wargaming but in specific historical terms as well. It's out in late August but you can preorder it via the Perry website.
I imagine that most people will want to buy it with Perry's 28mm range in mind, especially as they're bringing out plastic Ansar and, presumably, plastic Hademdowah at some point in the next six months or so.
I'm thinking more in terms of my existing, nearly finished, 15mm PITS dervish army, perhaps with Death In The Dark Continent as a ruleset. PITS is fun but limited in a way to a certain type of low level game and not really adaptable to historical scenarios or large open battles.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
AK47 Operation Coq au Vin
Eventually he got one unit of APC mounted infantry on the table, only to have it wiped out by my attack helicopter and armoured cars, for the loss of the Panhards to RPG fire.
A second unit of Lumatan truck mounted heavy weapons was also driven onto the table but didn't last very long before it brewed up, turned tail and routed. My jeeps and trucks were driving around the other side of the table while all this was going on doing very little of any consequence.
Finally, before anything else could happen, the countdown dice dictated the end of the game, after only about an hour and a half of hostilities. The end result was 54 points to me and 46 to Jon, resulting in a victory for the F.A.R.T. in Operation Coq Au Vin, a pre-emptive punitive strike across the Lumatan border.
Monday, 26 July 2010
AK47 Objective Markers [2]
I used a three stage covering of Foundry Base Sand with a final drybrush of Foundry Boneyard Light to pick out the detail.
I then had a crack at the monument plinth and the concrete hardstand on the oil depot, using a three stage drybrush of Foundry Granite, followed by a highlight of Foundry Arctic Grey Shade.
I'll try to get some more painting in tomorrow, although I very much doubt they'll be ready for the game.
Das Boot
It took about four hours to get to this stage, most of which consisted of sowing linen thread through tiny holes in brown card sails with tweezers, before super-glueing the end results to my fingers.
Holiday Project
Oh well, there goes the Victorian Ironclads as my Summer painting project. I'll save them until we come back.
Instead, I am allowed to take some figures to clean up and base, having got away with it last year with no soft furnishing issues.
I may take the rest of the TD 1/600th scale Korean War planes to finish off for MiG Alley and/or the AK47 Dictatorship army. Both of these are on the 'to do' list this year, so it would be a good way to get them ready for the second half of 2010:
On a seperate tack, I picked up an old TT model railway table at the tip for a £5 today. It had about 10 feet of track and five points until I removed them with my trusty pliers. I've added them to my existing but very small collection of rails, which I've stockpiled to use in future 15mm railway construction for AK47.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
AK47 Objective Markers [1]
Saturday, 24 July 2010
VBCW Red Workers Militia [13]

Friday, 23 July 2010
We're all going on a....
It's the Summer holiday as of 2pm this afternoon (huzzah!), so to celebrate I've ordered a pack of French Resistance from Westwind, together with some German motorcycle combinations, both at 40% off, so a bit of a bargain even when you add on the postage.
I also bought some British heads in tin helmets from the SHS range of WW2 figures that Westwind produce, so I'm going to try out some more headswapping on the leftover militia figures in the spares box, to give them more of a VBCW look.
The French Resistance chaps will be added in to the reinforcements leadpile but one or two will get converted into gun crew. I have a second Copplestone Putilov field gun left over from my Back of Beyond project, so it could be added to the existing one to make up a full gun section.
The motorcycles will be added to the BUF as escorts for the flying column, again with a headswap operation and a perhaps a Lewis gun added to the sidecars, although I may use one of them for the Reds instead.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
VBCW Red Workers Militia [12]
Next, I painted the tracks, wheel rims and machine gun in Foundry Charcoal Grey and Charcoal Grey Light. This was followed up with the exhaust in three shades of Foundry Tan and rust streaks in the same, with a little GW Flesh Wash for good measure, although I think I may have over cooked it a bit with the latter.
Next up will be the breech on the gun and some detailing on the tank, prior to the aforementioned weathering and basing.
VBCW Red Workers Militia [11]
After that, for a bit of a change, I thought I'd start on the FT17 tank and Putilov field gun, so gave them a wetbrush of 50:50 GW Catachan Green and Camo Green, followed by a Camo Green drybrush and a drybrush of GW Dheneb Stone.
I need to give them a wash next, followed by another highlight drybrush, then paint the tracks, wheel rims, breech block and so on in a suitable range of blacks and greys. I'm going to keep them simple, so no funky retro camouflage, just a red star or two to add some colour.
There's a sale on at Westwind at the moment, so I quite fancy getting some more French Resistance and Russian Partisan figures to add to the Reds, especially to convert to gun or mortar crews. I'm not sure I can justify the cost at the moment though, even at 40% off?
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Attack! 2010 Best Game In Show Award

Tuesday, 20 July 2010
WW1 Dogfight
Blog Clean Up
I've also decided to do a bit of a review of progress (or lack of) over the last six months before I shoot off on holiday to Brittany in a week or so. I think it's time to assess how my plans for 2010 have gone and, perhaps, to re-think the way I've gone about things since January.
In an unpleasant twist of fate, I have been reverse promoted to a job I used to have, which I spent years trying to ditch but have now got to pick up again, so I won't have much time for painting or gaming in the next six months to a year due to increased workload.
As a result, I think a new stategy might be required in order to give myself a realistic wargaming output and avoid meltdown of yet more projects.
Books, Books, Books

Monday, 19 July 2010
And now for something completely different...
Fear not.
I have been tasked by She Who Shall Not Be Named with a small restoration project for a freind of the family. The object in question is a ninety year old handmade model galleon, which has seen better days and is in need of some reconstruction. I have been 'volunteered' to strip down and rebuild it, so have been busy with the first stage of the process over the weekend, despite having to go to a wedding on Saturday and a kiddies birthday party on Sunday.
After dismantling the various bits of tangled string and dusty woodwork, the hull was given a good wash and brush up, then varnished with gloss and satin spray. The end result looks pretty good althoughI expect the Edwardian Vintage Model Boat Society would probably disagree.
I'm now in the process of stripping back the yardarms. After that, I'll add the standing rigging to the hull, with the ratlines as the first task on the list.
Fingers crossed.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Tumbling Dice Victorian Ironclads [6]
Friday, 16 July 2010
Tumbling Dice 1/2400 Napoleonics

I have the AAGE Grand Fleet Actions in the Age of Sail rules which are perfect for small scale games with large numbers of ships, so I ordered a couple of the starter packs, the Napoleonic Squadron (MSP1) and Inshore Squadron (MSP2), which together should give me plenty to get going.
The models are very nice and, in construction terms, are pretty much like the Victorian ships, although they should be easier to put together due to the larger sails. I've seen some examples of painted ships and they look very good. Hopefully, I'll be able to produce something equally impressive, with a little patience and some steady brushwork.
Exactly when I'll get round to all this is a completely different question!
I also noticed that the new TD catalogue lists some ACW coastal forts including a large and small coastal battery, together with a floating battery and mortar rafts in large and small formats. They aren't available via the website yet but when they are I'll definately pick some up for the ironclads to pound from a safe distance.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Tumbling Dice Victorian Ironclads [5]

I think I underestimated the time it takes to put each model together, which involves cleaning up the various component parts first then superglueing each bit to the model with tweezers and colourful language.