Friday 30 June 2023

Knights of the Sky 1916


After the summer holidays there is a plan afoot to have a 1916 multiplayer game of Knights of the Sky. I've run a couple of these before and have a good selection of appropriate aircraft, including Fokker EIII's, a Pfalz EIV,  Nieuport 11 Bebe's, Airco DH2's and an early Roland CII, but have promised to build some more kits for the game. I do have a lone Morane Saulnier N 'bullet' in an RFC No60 Squadron scheme, but have enough unmade Revell  kits to make three more, as well as a limited run Aeroclub Bristol Scout or possibly an Airfix Be2c, both of which would fit very well into a game. I'm going to start on these kits at the end of the holidays and, in the meantime, will get to work on a historical scenario, albeit with a bit of artistic licence to make it a fun game.

Thursday 29 June 2023

French Napoleonic Naval Painting


For some reason, I can't summon up the enthusiasm to paint the last of my pre-dreadnoughts, so instead I'm going to keep on going with the 1/2400th French Napoleonic Squadron that I started blocking in a couple of weeks ago. I doubt I'll get anywhere near finishing them before the holidays but at least they will be moved along a bit over the next couple of weeks. I'm currently blocking in the sails on the Third Rate 74's then will move onto the frigates. Nice and relaxing!

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Post War Whirlibitds


The 3D printed helicopters from Lambda Gaming arrived today and, once again, I'm very impressed. I particularly like the Whirlwind as it really looks the part and is very sturdy, perfect for wargaming purposes. The Flying Banana is also really good but a bit more fragile in the tail department, so will need careful handling once assembled. The models come with stands and magnets to attach the rotor hubs, so will dismantle to pack away. I'll use the Whirlwind for the Sandbox Skirmish project, where it fits in perfectly, while the Shawnee will go to Vietnam for the Bohica project, as transport for the ARVN. Excellent!

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Strength and Honour Terrain Cloth


I spotted this in a supermarket at the weekend and thought it would be better than the felt cloth that I was going to use for Strength and Honour. It's a wipe clean plastic type material but I'm hoping that it can be spray painted and sponged with various shades to match the desert bases on my units. I should also be able to add the grid pattern using dots from a Sharpie pen, which should be easier than marking the felt. 

Monday 26 June 2023

Three Week Pre-dreadnought Paint Job


I'm back from a long weekend in Brittany at a family wedding, so have been working out how I can get the last of my South American pre-dreadnoughts painted in what time remains until the holidays. I've got shedloads of things to do over the next three weeks, so time is very short and I'll have to cut my cloth to fit. This means the painting job has been cut back to just eleven models, which I'm hoping will be do-able in the time I've got left?

Sunday 25 June 2023

Museum of the French Resistance in Brittany


Excellent 👍

Resistance Memorial


I'm at a family wedding in Brittany this weekend, which just happens to be within spitting distance of this memorial to the French Resistance. In June 1944 there was a major battle here between the local maquis supported by the SAS and the German occupation forces, as described on the monument information board. It's also detailed in a book I read a few years ago by one of the members of the resistance, Andre Hue, which I thoroughly recommend. This afternoon, if I can sneak off from the wedding, there's also a museum five minutes walk from the venue which I will try to visit. Fascinating stuff 

Saturday 24 June 2023

Magazine de Presse


I'm in Brittany for the weekend at a wedding, so have grabbed some magazines to read on the way back. The Vae Victis game looks really good, being a strategic level Indian Mutiny wargame, with the rules available in English as a down load. The Batailles & Blinde issue has an excellent article on the Battle of the Bulge that would be great for What a Tanker and my 28mm US late war Bolt Action platoon, while the Aerojournal issue has a fascinating article on Fritz X missile attacks on Plymouth of all places, which has given me all sorts of ideas for Bag the Hun. A good haul!


Bag The Hun (844) Books (499) AK47 (498) Ironclads (487) Wings at War (406) Back of Beyond (242) Pre-Dreadnoughts (241) Coastal Warfare (225) Napoleonic Naval (200) Britain's Small Wars (199) Bolt Action (175) What a Tanker (171) Victory at Sea (168) Target Locked On (163) Knights of the Sky (157) MiG Alley (152) Chain of Command (149) Old West (147) Find Fix and Strike (138) Bag The MiG (122) Sandbox Skirmish (119) Naval Command (118) Naval Thunder (118) Pirates (116) Indo China / Vietnam (114) Air War Over Khalkhin Gol (113) Fistful of Lead (109) 15mm Sci-Fi / Near Future (95) Darkest Africa (91) VBCW (89) Strength and Honour (85) Ancients (80) Shows (79) Continuation War (78) ACW (77) The Football War (76) Corsairs and Cavaliers (70) Boardgames (67) France's Small Wars (67) Shipwreck! (66) BKC (65) Rapid Fire (63) Saurian Safari (62) Cruel Seas (60) Saga (60) Air War C21 (59) Journals (58) The Men Who Would Be Kings (58) Nimitz (55) Flashpoint Alto Cenepa (53) IABSM (53) International Naval Wargaming Day (53) Gladiators (51) Flashpoint Taiwan (50) Finest Hour (49) Red Actions! (47) Fortifications (44) Scramble for Britain (44) Flashpoint Baltic (42) Cold War (39) Duel of Aces (39) War of the Pacific (38) Flames above the Falklands (37) SCW (36) Thud Ridge (36) Desert Spitfires (35) Death in the Dark Continent (34) RCW (34) Algernon Pulls It Off (31) Atlantic Wall (31) English Civil War / Anglo Dutch War Naval (31) Post Apocalypse (31) Iron Cow (30) Lion Rampant (30) Bag the Springbok (29) Mexican Revolution (28) Normandy Firefight (28) Full Thrust (27) It Rolls For Ivan (26) Bulldogs Away! (24) One Hour Wargames (24) Samurai (24) Dreadnoughts (23) Jet Knights of the Sky (23) 28mm English Civil War (22) Imaginations (22) Achtung Kommando! (21) Arctic Eagles (21) Flashpoint PVO (21) Ancient Naval (20) PITS (20) Galactic Heroes (19) Steamer Wars (19) Strontium Dog (19) Iron Cross (18) Winter War (16) 2mm English Civil War (15) Aeronef (15) Aircraft (15) Imperial Commander (15) Rate of Fire (15) Zulus! (15) Aliens (14) Dragon Rampant (14) Black Ops (13) CY6 Jet Age (13) Congo (13) Mad for War (13) Impetus (12) Wars of Insurgency (12) Flashpoint Fleet Air Arm (11) Gaslands (11) 633 Squadron (10) Franco Thai Air War (10) Jungle Green (10) Sharp Practice (10) 28mm Future Wars (9) Bohica (9) Dux Britanniarum (9) Fire in the Sky (9) Merry Xmas Mr Sankara (9) Adventures in Jimland (8) Cry Havoc (8) French Indian Wars (8) Get the Goeben! (8) HYW (8) Renaissance Naval (8) Star Wars Legion (8) Sword and Spear (8) Through The Mud and Blood (8) Air War Angola (7) Bombers over Germany (7) Frostgrave (7) Target for Tonight (7) A Mighty Fortress (6) AirWar:1918 (6) Five Parsecs From Home (6) French Resistance (6) Check Your Six! (5) Five Men at Kursk (5) Fivecore Skirmish (5) Maurice (5) Seven Days to the River Rhine (5) Three Musketeers (5) What a Cowboy (5) Arab Revolt (4) Corvette Command (4) In Her Majesty's Name (4) Infamy Infamy (4) Medieval Naval (4) Never Mind The Billhooks (4) Wings Over Suez (4) Battletech (3) Gangsters (3) HOTT (3) Hind Commander (3) Lord of the Sea (3) Luft 46 (3) Mourir Pour l'Indochine (3) Sturmovik Commander (3) Whispering Death (3) Blood Red Skies (2) Chincha Islands War (2) Crom (2) Disposable Heroes (2) Fire and Steel (2) Fivecore Company Command (2) Iron Stars (2) Judge Dredd (2) Lethal Skies (2) NUTS! (2) No Go Zone (2) Pulp! (2) Starfighters! (2) War in El Dorado (2) A Billion Suns (1) Air War 1940 (1) Battlegroup (1) Black Powder (1) Convoy (1) Dropzone Commander (1) Falklands War (1) Harpoon (1) If The Lord Spares Us (1) Load and Return (1) MiG Hunters (1) Missile Threat (1) Missiles at Sea (1) Naval Wargames Society (1) Norway 1940 (1) Oi Navarcoi! (1) Si Vis Pacem (1) Spanish American War (1) Sunray is Down (1) Ultracombat Normandy (1) Xenos Rampant (1)