I have enough figures to form a pirate crew, complete with a captain, using some Crusader Miniatures figures that I picked up cheap from Dave Thomas at a show a couple of years ago (another one of those impulse buys from the bargain bin!).
I have to dig them out from the leadpile but I'm pretty sure I know where they are? I may add a few extras but I should have all I need for the moment. I think I'll have about ten figures all told which is plenty.
I don't have a ship in 28mm but, as the scenarios in the rulebook are mostly land based, this isn't going to be the problem I thought it would be, especially as we could use 2D card templates if necessary (nice idea Jon).
I have the Foundry Compendium, which includes the Gary Chalk ship plans, so I could always scratchbuild or splash out on a resin ship from Minimi or Games of War, especially if I can pick one up at Colours in a couple of weeks time:
I have a fair bit of terrain on the other hand, most of which consists of scratchbuilt jungle from my Saurian Safari collection, so some tropical undergrowth and Mayan ruins are already available. I have some Copplestone Amazonian Tupi warriors painted up as well, so they can be used in some games as unfriendly natives.
I'm hoping to have a crack at the pirates as soon as I can clear the decks a bit but should get them done by the end of September, leaving time for the 15mm PITS stuff afterwards.
Check out eBay for the Mega Bloks ships:
Seen them used for both fantasy and historical and they work well with enough room for bases etc.