Here's a suggestion for a Bail Out! option for late war German pilots in Algernon Pulls It Off!
On the turn of the 'Springen!' (Bail Out!), or Character card, a pilot / observer may attempt to parachute.
Roll 1D6 and add / subtract modifiers:
+/- Pilot Luck
Aircraft on Fire - 1
Aircraft in a Spin - 2
Pilot / Observer wounded - 1
1 or less than 1 = Jumps but parachute tangled / fails to open.
2- 3 = Fails to jump (may try again)
4 - 6 = Parachute opens.
A parachute will not open in time if at Altitude Level 1 or 2.
A Veteran Pilot decides it's a good idea to jump from his burning Fokker Dr1.
D6 Roll = 3
Luck Modifier +1
Plane on Fire - 1
Result = 3
Try again next turn of the Move or the 'Springen!' card (luckily, he's at ALT 4 !)
I think this will work?
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