Wednesday 3 November 2021

Mutt and Jeff

I have had hearing loss for many years on my right hand side, caused by a virus that I caught on a school trip, but was also diagnosed with Meniere's Disease last year which now affects my other ear. A recent hearing test confirmed that I am profoundly deaf in my right ear and will eventually lose much of my hearing in the left ear, although I now have medication that keeps me from falling over all the time. 

Anyway, this means that I find it really difficult to hear anything if there's a lot of background noise or if people are wearing face masks, which makes club wargaming a bit of a non-starter, although I have given it a go. To cut a long ramble short, it looks like much of my future wargaming will inevitably be solo, with only the occasional visit to the club when I can face the music, so to speak. 

I'm sure there are lots of fellow wargamers in the same boat and I know that sight deterioration is also an issue for some of the club members, having a big impact on their painting and a lesser but equally significant impact on reading the small print in some rules. It's lucky that my hearing problems don't affect my painting or modelling, so I'm not too bothered if I can't hear much and will soldier on regardless.

It's great when the wife is banging on about this and that too....


  1. Sorry to hear that mate, especially if you like the social aspect of the hobby. Tough break.

  2. I'm blessed with two maladies that rob sight and balance, I can empathize.
    Yeah, 'sucks to get older' is the phrase around here.
    Remember, Beethoven wrote a lot of his music after he lost his hearing.
    Just enjoy the part of the hobby that still works for you.

  3. Well poop. Losing hearing is under appreciated how much it affects our ability to engage with others. It's nice that there are some options (internet) these days for connecting with others. Not sure what the auto closed captioning is like these days, but youtube seems to manage it pretty easily.

  4. Meniere's is a bugger...apart from the hearing loss the dizziness can be awful.. Medication sorted that bit out for me but the deafness is hard, especially as you say with masks making it even more challenging. In our house its even more fun as my wife also uses hearing aids... we spend a lot of time saying "what??" our just ignoring each other!

  5. Sorry to hear that. I have a good friend here in almost exactly the same situation so whilst I obviously can't say I know how you feel, I have an inkling

  6. Sorry to hear that. Having had an ear infection that affected my balance you have my sympathies. Such a shame it will affect your gaming.



  7. Thanks everyone...I'm used to being hard of hearing so it's not a big deal, although my wife would probably disagree?

  8. "It is a scientifically proven fact that we lose our hearing first in the range of our spouse's voice"....yeah, mine did not buy it either.

  9. I hope it won’t impact you as much as you expect Jim. And hopefully gaming at home/solo will keep the hobby worth-while. What would we do without your efforts to entertain us?

  10. Sorry to hear this Jim. Mrs E suffers from the same thing and what she finds difficult is the tinnitus when it flares up. Subtitles on TV shows are a God send for her. You are a resourceful chap so I have no doubt that you will find work arounds for occasional forays to the club.

  11. Sorry to hear that matey, that's tough. I hope you will still find enjoyment in the hobby - I've always enjoyed your blog and hope I'll continue to find inspiration here.


  12. I'm very sorry to hear. My mother in law has the same, and the doctors said as long as you're quick with getting a good hearing aid, you can stabilise it, although not make it become better again.

    Even if I understand it would make it much harder to play with strangers, would you not still be able to play with a few that know you well, and have more understanding and patience, while maybe also picking more quiet times? Maybe also just have a pen and paper/computer close by, to be able to type in case it would be too hard at times. Does wonders for the patience of others. And if not, solo isn't so bad - although it takes a while to get used to from having been social, but I guess covid helped out on preparing us all on that front...



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