In one of the two sets of Portable Pike and Shot rules I'm going to use, there is a system for generating random events when a double is rolled for initiative. I'm a big fan of random things but this system is a bit vanilla, compared to AK47, for example.
So, I'm going to twiddle the system to give it a bit more period flavour, perhaps with a bit of tounge in cheek humour in an AK47 political flowchart style. I'm thinking here of Ralph Lord Hopton being almost blown up at the Battle of Stratton or the Cornish Trained Bands having a wobble, amongst other things.
The focus will be on things that might add a bonus or penalty to strength, movement or firing, but other things might well pop up that might be either a help or a hindrance to each side. I'm also thinking of changing the mechanism so that a roll of 1 for initiative results in the random roll, making it specific to the side concerned.
It's a bit sketchy at the moment but I have some time over the holidays to work it out.
chuckles.. flocks of sheep in paddocked or common land ?