Saturday, 25 June 2016

Au Revoir

I've decided to give up my wargaming and blogging for a while, as I'm not in the mood for either at the moment. I'll be back in the Autumn after I've reassessed my whole approach to the hobby, which I'm finding harder and harder to focus on of late. For one thing, I'm not able to get to the club as often as in the past and, when I do, I feel that I'm out of the loop. The workbench has also become a dumping ground for unfinished and half completed projects, most of which I just haven't had time to do or have become frustrated with. In short, I need a clean break and a fresh start. I may well add the occasional blog post here and there but otherwise I'll be mothballing the wargaming for a couple of months until I'm in the right frame of mind.


  1. Hope you're OK. Been a bit of a shock this week what with one thing and another. Always appreciated your blog with your boundless energy and furious multitasking (particularly the AK47 stuff). Hope you get back in the saddle soon. I think we are all going to be distracted for a while... Cheers WW

  2. Sorry to hear that mate, but sometimes its a good idea to step back for a while, get your bearings and get back on track

  3. Have a break and take some time to think things through. I would imagine a lot of us have been there at some point and sometimes a step back gives you a fresh perspective and a bit of a refresh. Cheers, Alastair

  4. Good plan. If your like me it will only take one book or movie to suddenly refire it all up. This blog was part of my inspiration in choosing AK47 thanks for showing me where to get those African buildings.

  5. sometimes the best thing to do is nothing! We all, from time to time, scratch around trying to maintain a momentum when actually what we need to do is stop. Re-focus, re-engergise or just simply relax, we'll still be here if you decide to return. My very best wishes, Michael

  6. Sorry to hear that, but if you come back to the fold we'll be right here waiting!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Been there and done that myself in the past... and it does actually work. I'm sure you'll return when you're ready.

    It may be that you'll re-enter the hobby and enjoy it in a different way than previously, which is what happened to me... or you might come back rejuvenated and carry on in the same way.

    Either way, step back, clear the workbench, take a break and come back when you're ready. We'll all still be here when you do.

  9. Hope you're finding something to keep your boat afloat in the meantime. Would be a shame to dump all of that expertise/experience forever... but I have every sympathy with you!

  10. Hope you get your mojo back soon old chap, I do enjoy reading your posts. I know exactly how you feel, life and circumstances did their best to kill off my enthusiasm for the hobby some years back, Ironically it was blogging at the suggestion of Steve Blease) that gave me focus and purpose, so I'm sure we'll be seeing the reinvigorated Jim back in fine form after your summer break

  11. Thats a shame, as someone's whose just come out the otherside of this type of hobby malaise I know how you feel. Sometimes you just need a break.

  12. Hope to see you back when your mojo returns. Enjoy the break!

    Best wishes,

  13. Sorry to hear that, Jim, but here's to hoping a little time away brings you back with a vengeance! Take care man.


  14. I too hope that a break will bring you back on top form with many inspiring blog posts to look forward to in due course.

  15. Take as long as you like to recharge but do come back eventually as our hobby is all the better for your posts on your excellent blog.

  16. Sorry to hear that Jim. Fully understand that sometimes you need to break the mould and get back the gaming bug. Will look forward to seeing you whenever you are looking for a game at the club.

  17. No worries, take a tactical pause and come back whenever you like!

  18. Here's hoping that your break brings you back refreshed and ready to re-engage!
    I've really enjoyed reading your blog and hope to see you back.

  19. losing your hobby mojo is very common amongst Wargamers. It hapened to me twice. You're doing the right thing by taking a break for while. Take half a year off and see if you can get going again. usually revisiting your club, a movie or an inspiring place can re-ignite your hobby mojo. If I ma give you some advise. Make ure you clean up your work station and clean everything and store models and projects out of sight. That way if you feel the slightest of urges you can just sit down with a clean slate and start something small. An unpainted mountain of lead and unfinished projects can easily scare you off.

    Take care and hope to see you back in not too long. Your blog has always inspired me.


  20. Go have a break for a while. We'll be here waiting when you come back.

  21. Thanks for all the support chaps. Much appreciated.

    I will be back.


  22. Have a great summer, and chill as the young people say. I'm sure you will be back. All the best Airhead.



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